I am finally getting around to “officially” sharing my good news – at the British Fantasy Society awards last Saturday I won the Sydney J. Bounds award for Umbilical (NewCon Press) and Waterlore (Black Shuck Books). I feel incredibly honoured by receiving this award and am looking forward to exploring the work of Sydney J. Bounds who was a prolific British author of speculative fiction.

Because I had no real expectation of winning (as I wrote in this blog post) I didn’t prepare a speech. I think those who saw me at the awards ceremony could see the shock on my face and my very slow brain trying to process the news! (The photo below kind of sums up my expression!) Thankfully, I had a copy of Umbilical with me so I read from my acknowledgements at the back of the book.

Afterwards, I was worried that I’d forgotten to thank a ton of people, but I did the best I could in the moment (which was an absolutely wonderful, though overwhelming, moment!). I’ve copied it out below, but would again like to give my thanks to the judges, the many wonderful volunteers who make up the BFS, run cons and give so much of their time to the society, and all those who make the genre community such a warm and welcoming place in which to create works of speculative fiction. And, of course, many thanks to those of you who have read or critiqued or reviewed or shared or published my work. Your support means the world to me and gives me the encouragement to keep putting my writing out there (because, yes, there are times when the rejections or silences do get me down). Anyway, here’s what I said, and thank you again. I am enormously grateful for this award, and still well up when I think about the moment I heard my name being read out.
“I am deeply grateful to all the editors who have published and championed my writing, gifting me with the encouragement I needed to keep writing my strange, little tales. Especial thanks go to Noel Chidwick, the founder of Shoreline of Infinity, Donna Scott, editor of the Best of British Science Fiction series, Steve J. Shaw of Black Shuck Books, Gareth Jelley of Interzone, and, of course, Ian Whates, editor of Parsec and NewCon Press publisher-extraordinaire. You are all stars!
My gratitude also goes to my wonderful husband, Tom, my first (and bestest) reader, my children, Rebecca and Jerome, who always cheer when I tell them I’ve placed a story, and my mother, Ludmila, who is extraordinarily proud of whatever I do. Finally, I give thanks to God for planting within me the storytelling seed, and for all His blessings.”
I’d also add that I’d like to thank my wonderful dad. He died when I was 15 years old but he’s here with me in spirit, always reminding me to be a good Christian and to try my best in each and every endeavour I undertake. I know I’ll see him again some day.
Huge congratulations to all who were shortlisted or won awards; there are so many of my amazingly talented friends on the list and it makes me very happy to be a part of such a whirlwind of creativity!

I took the blurry selfie below in my hotel room at about one in the morning when I suddenly thought I should probably capture the moment!

Finally, if you would like to buy a copy of either of my books, I’ll point you in the direction of my publisher NewCon Press who has currently discounted Umbilical for a short period of time, and also Black Shuck Books where you can always find Waterlore at a very reasonable price. Thank you!