‘Ghost Fish’ short story from Waterlore included in Ellen Datlow’s The Best Horror of the Year Volume 16 recommendations 2023
Winner of the 2024 British Fantasy Society Best Newcomer Award for the short story collections Umbilical (NewCon Press) and Waterlore (Black Shuck Books), October 2024
‘The Art of Time Travel’ short story forthcoming in One Million Times, edited by R. James Doyle and Rogelio Fojo (to be published by Elsewhen Press in spring 2025).
‘Māra’s Tale’ short story forthcoming in Whispers in the Earth, edited by Gabriela Houston and to be published by Broken Binding (the money for the production of the anthology was successfully raised via Kickstarter).
Umbilical short story collection shortlisted for the Rubery Book Awards, July 2024
‘Tough Love’ short story first published in Umbilical reprinted in Best of British Science Fiction 2023, edited by Donna Scott (NewCon Press), July 2024
‘A Lighthouse of a Man’ short story shortlisted in the Crossing the Tees Book Festival Short Story Competition, January 2024
‘Ida’ flash fiction published in BFS Horizons, December 2023
‘A Survival Guide for the Contemporary Princess’ flash fiction reprinted in OpenDoor Poetry Magazine, November 2023
‘Umbilical’ short story reprinted in Parsec in Print, September 2023
‘Juice’ poem published in Atrium, August 2023
‘The November Room or Leaving the Labyrinth’ short story published in IZ Digital, July 2023
‘Haute Couture’ flash fiction published in Scratching the Sands, edited by Karen Jones and Damhnait Monaghan (National Flash Fiction Day), June 2023
Four poems: ‘Bacteria’, ‘Exclamation Fish’, ‘Laika’s Prayer’ and ‘Rubies’ published in Animal, Vegetable, Mineral, edited by Rhys Hughes (Gibbon Moon Books), May 2023
‘Careers don’t come in neat little boxes’ short piece of memoir published in Women’s Aid charity fundraising anthology The Things I Wish I’d Known, edited by Michelle Gant, March 2023
‘Sparkles and Rainbows’ short story published in Epoque ezine, November 2022
‘Umbilical’ short story, first published in ParSec #4 (PS Publishing) in 2022, was nominated for the inaugural Brave New Weird anthology, edited by Alex Woodroe (Tenebrous Press)
‘How to Honour a Beginning’ short story published in Severed Souls anthology (Space Cat Press), November 2022
‘Metamorphosis’ poem published in Framework of the Human Body, edited by Catherine Mwitta (Bell Press Books), November 2022
‘O is for OCD’ short piece of memoir, first published in Hard Times Happen anthology, edited by Dr Charley Barnes (Black Pear Press) reprinted in Open Door Magazine, July 2022
‘Umbilical’ short story published in ParSec #4 (PS Publishing), July 2022
‘Girls’ Night Out’ short story first published in Dreamland: Other Stories, edited by Sophie Essex (Black Shuck Books), August 2021 is to be reprinted in Best of British Science Fiction 2021, edited by Donna Scott (NewCon Press), July 2022
‘The Reader’ short story published in The Book of Carnacki, edited by John Linwood Grant (Belanger Books), May 2022
‘Crabapple Jelly’ short story shortlisted in the Crossing the Tees Book Festival Short Story Competition (and published in Crossing the Tees, the Fifth Short Story Anthology (published by Sixth Element Publishing) May 2022
My novel, Bluebeard’s Theatre, was longlisted in the 2021 Exeter Novel Competition, April 2022
‘Minotaur/Mindtour’ short story published in Shoreline of Infinity, issue 30, March 2022
My novel, Bluebeard’s Theatre, was longlisted in the 2021 Mslexia Novel Competition, March 2022
‘Absinthiana’ short story published on the Fairlight Books website, February 2022
‘Delphine as Daedalus’ short story published in Unexpected Heroines, edited by Roz Clarke and Charlotte Bond (Grimbold Books), September 2021
‘Our Lady of Flies’ short story published in Great British Horror 6: Ars Gratia Sanguis, edited by Steve Shaw (Black Shuck Books), September 2021
‘Girls’ Night Out’ short story published in Dreamland: Other Stories, edited by Sophie Essex (Black Shuck Books), August 2021
‘The Cyclops’ short story first published in Shoreline of Infinity reprinted in Best of British Science Fiction 2020, edited by Donna Scott (NewCon Press), July 2021
The first 500 words of my novel, Bluebeard’s Theatre, was longlisted in the 2021 Jericho Writers Summer Festival of Writing Friday Night Live competition, July 2021
‘Freewriting à la Tesco’ flash fiction published on the FlashFlood blog on National Flash Fiction Day 2021, June 2021
‘O is for OCD’ short piece of memoir, published in Hard Times Happen anthology, edited by Dr Charley Barnes (Black Pear Press), May 2021
‘Pomegranate’ poem, published in Women’s Things anthology (East Midlands Oral History Archive at the University of Leicester), April 2021
‘The Art of No, No and No’ poem (and linocut), published in Reflections anthology (Nottingham Writers’ Studio), January 2021
‘The Green Fairy’ poem, published in Atrium, December 2020
‘The Cyclops’ short story, published in Shoreline of Infinity, issue 19, November 2020
‘The Machine in God’ short story shortlisted in the Write Festival SFF Short Story Competition (anthology published by Sixth Element Publishing) November 2020
‘This Little Piggy’ short story, published in the charity anthology Kitchen Sink Gothic 2 (Parallel Universe Publications) October 2020
‘Considering the Stars’ short story, published in Uncharted Constellations anthology (Space Cat Press), September 2020
‘The Wife That Never Was’ fairy tale, published in Enchanted Conversation, August 2020
‘Stasis’ poem, published in The World Outside zine, Nottingham Writers’ Studio, August 2020
‘Dynamic Equilibrium’ poem, published in Reckoning’s ‘Creativity and Coronavirus’ contributors’ series, June 2020
‘The Case of the High Pavement Ghosts’ short story, published in Sherlock Holmes and the Occult Detectives Part 1, May 2020
‘The Red Choos’ short story, published in Theaker’s Quarterly Fiction #66, April 2020
‘An Early Lesson in Fake News’ poem, published in Ink, Sweat and Tears, 21st April 2020
Reprint of ‘Lady Seaweed, or Tristesse’ short story at Aether/Ichor (January 2020)
‘The Colour of a Conference Pear’ poem, published in The Lake, December 2019
‘The Art Glass Paperweight’ short story, published in The Forgotten and the Fantastical 5, edited by Teika Bellamy, October 2019 (Mother’s Milk Books)
‘Bluebeard – The Eternal Predator’ essay, published in A Shadow Within: Evil in Fantasy and Science Fiction, edited by Francesca T. Barbini, August 2019 (Luna Press Publishing)
‘Death of the Grapevine’ short story (shortlisted in the inaugural Dinesh Allirajah Prize for Short Fiction 2018 and published in the ebook Cafe Stories [Comma Press] May 2018), to be reprinted in the Best of British Science Fiction 2018, edited by Donna Scott, August 2019 (NewCon Press)
‘Songs From The Wood’ short story published in Shoreline of Infinity, June 2019
‘ATU334 the Wise’ short story featured on Episode Zero of Soundwave, a science fiction podcast brought to you by Shoreline of Infinity, December 2018
‘The Green Man’ short story published in Reckoning, December 2018
‘Shades of Red’ poem published in Prole, Issue 27, December 2018
‘Star Seamstress’, ‘AI Lullaby’ and ‘The World Set Free’ poems published in Multiverse (Shoreline of Infinity), December 2018
‘Russian Doll’ poem published on Atrium, October 2018
‘The Sea Wasps’ short story published on Zoomorphic, September 2018
‘Consumer’ poem published on I Am Not A Silent Poet, August 2018
‘Anatomical Heart’ illustration published in Riggwelter, August 2018
‘Death of the Grapevine’ short story shortlisted in the inaugural Dinesh Allirajah Prize for Short Fiction 2018 and published in the ebook Cafe Stories (Comma Press) May 2018
‘Making Heartroom’ poem in Bonnie’s Crew fundraising anthology, edited by Kate Garrett-Nield, April 2018. I also produced the illustration for the cover:
The last few copies of this limited edition are available here:
‘Small Pressure’ article – about indie publishing – published in Mslexia, Issue 77, March/April/May 2018
‘The Vending Machine of Dreams’ flash fiction, published in Flash, I love you! edited by Sarah Miles (Paper Swans Press), December 2017
‘The Eyes of the Goddess Herself’ short story/novelette (8000 words long) published in AfroMyth Volume 1: A Fantasy Collection, edited by J.S. Emuakpor (Afrocentric Books), December 2017
‘ATU334 the Wise’ flash fiction, runner-up in Shoreline of Infinity’s inaugural flash fiction competition. Published in Issue 10, Winter 2017/2018
‘Bare feet’ photographic image, published in Riggwelter, issue #4
‘The Darkness Within, The Darkness Without’ feature essay, published on the Thresholds International Short Story Forum website, 29 November 2017 (under the name of Teika Bellamy
‘Keyworth Abundance’ poem, published in Small Acts of Kindness (Spokesman Books) winter 2017
‘Acronym’ narrative non-fiction, published in LabLit (August 2017)
‘The Pulmonary Embolism’ poem, published in LossLit, issue 5
‘Her Ladyship Makes a Request’ poem, published in Picaroon Poetry, issue 9 (July 2017)
‘The Zoetrope Man’ flash fiction, published in Strix Issue 1, Spring/Summer 2017 NOW SOLD OUT
‘Crooked Toes & Crossed Genres’ non-fiction piece, published online by Literary Mama, 8 May 2017
‘The Russian Doll’ illustration, published in Woman (Mud Press, 2017)
Interview with Teika Bellamy on Motherhood and Publishing, published in Writing Motherhood (Seren, 2017)
‘The Swimming Lesson’ poem published in Brittle Star issue 39, December 2016
‘On Beauty and Tempering’ narrative non-fiction piece, published in Women’s Stories, Women’s Voices anthology, edited by Villasenor & Robinson (Global Words Press, 2016)
‘Icarus Dreams’ poem published in Final Flight (Nottingham Writers’ Studio journal – Autumn/Winter 2016)
‘Mint Choc Chip’ poem published in Food and Drink – pamphlet of the 2015 Bramley Apple Festival poetry competition poems (The Southwell Folio Publications, July 2016)
‘His Birth’ short story, second place in the Wellcome Trust funded project ‘Science Fiction and the Medical Humanities’ creative writing competition, summer 2016, to be published by Freight Books in 2017/2018
‘Gibbous’ ekphrastic poem & ‘Gibbous’ zentangle art, The Poetry Shed blog, 9th July 2016
‘Little Lost Soul’ short story, The Forgotten and the Fantastical 2 (Mother’s Milk Books, March 2016)
‘The Larch’ flash fiction, published in Three Drops from a Cauldron, Midwinter 2015 (Three Drops Press, January 2016)
‘Heady Dreams of Summers Past’ & ‘Cow parsley’ poems published in A Bouquet of Flowers – pamphlet of the 2014 Bramley Apple Festival poetry competition poems (The Southwell Folio Publications, July 2015)
‘Rant’ creative non-fiction piece, Mslexia. Issue 66 June/Jul/August 2015
‘Screaming Sue’ & ‘Lady Seaweed or Tristesse’ short stories published in The Forgotten and the Fantastical (Mother’s Milk Books, March 2015)
‘Inmates’ poem published in Never (Nottingham Writers’ Studio members journal, Spring 2015)
‘A Sense of Place’ short story, published in Splickety Prime, Winter 2014
‘We Only Want To Know One Thing Benedict’ poem, Silver Birch Press blog (September 2014)
‘Sensibility’ poem published in the anthology Advice on Proposals edited by Angela Topping (Like This Press, September 2014)
A review of He Wants by Alison Moore, published on the For Books’ Sake website, August 2014
‘The Cold Cup of Tea’ poem reprinted in Breastfeeding Today magazine, May 2014
‘The Daffodils’ poem reprinted in Parent Tribe online magazine, Spring/Summer 2014
‘We Don’t Travel Light’ poem published in Parent Tribe online magazine August/September 2013
‘How I found the wild woman at my heels’ article and poem published on Wild Sister website, July 2013
‘The Ballad of the Beach’ poem reprinted in Parent Tribe online magazine June/July 2013
Two haikus published in Western Haiku: A Collection (Dagda Publishing, 2013)
‘Ode to the Colour Brown’ poem published in Here Comes Everyone, The Colours Issue, February 2013
‘The Swing’ poem, second place in the 2013 Swanezine poetry competition
‘The Daffodils’ poem reprinted in Breastfeeding Today, Issue 17 January – March 2013
‘Within My Mother’s Arms’ poem reprinted on Baby Wisdom website, January 2013
‘Within My Mother’s Arms’ poem published in JUNO Winter 2012
‘Baby’s First Feed’, ‘The Cold Cup of Tea’, ‘The Daffodils’, ‘The Ballad of the Beach’ poems published in Musings on Mothering (Mother’s Milk Books, 2012)
‘Peggy’s Decision’ short story winner in the 2012 Swanezine short story competition
‘To Death, May He Be Pleased With His Handiwork’ poem published in The Road Less Travelled, (Dagda Publishing, 2012)
‘This struggling and exhausted mummy reached for the bottle’ parenting article about Breastfeeding Awareness Week published on The Mothership magazine website July 2012
‘Beautiful Girl on The King’s Road, London’ poem published in Concrete Jungles, (Dagda Publishing, 2012)
‘In Defence of Athens’ parenting article published on JUNO website October 2012
‘Day in the Life: Anna Burbidge of La Leche League GB’ published on The Green Parent website October 2011
‘My Beautiful Daughter: living with a haemangioma birthmark’ parenting article published in The Mother, July/August 2011
‘The Memory of Water’ flash fiction runner-up in the June 2011 Cazart website flash fiction competition
‘My Sister, My Guide’ parenting article published in The Green Parent, August/September 2010
‘What’s That On Her face?’ parenting article published in Practical Parenting and Pregnancy, June 2009
‘I’m sorry… I’m a full-time mum’ parenting article published in JUNO, Spring 2009
‘The Best Pain Relief’ parenting article published in Breastfeeding Matters January/February 2009 and New Beginnings, Issue 6 2008 – 2009
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Hi my name is Ketya, i hope your well? i wanted to know if you write or provide an agent for other people? i have an amazing story that i wanted to share and inspire so many people around the world. Let me know if you can help me. Thank you.
Hi Ketya,
Thanks for your comment, and apologies for taking a while to get back to you – I’ve been on holiday. Like most writers or those who work in independent publishing, I can’t really provide any assistance with getting an agent. But I wrote this post – about how to get a literary agent – a while back, which will hopefully be of use.
All the best with your writing and getting your story out there. 🙂