November is here again. It’s cold, it’s miserable, and all I want to do is stay inside, eat chocolate and drink tea. I do find that my mood shifts in the late autumn/winter months – I miss the light and the warmth, and all the freedom that the outside brings. BUT, at least it makes me really appreciate being in a snug, warm home, wearing big woolly cardies and pootling around with indoor activities. So I guess that’s why November was chosen as NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month). As I write I’m wrapped in a big woolly cardy, tea and chocolate to hand 🙂
There is absolutely no way that I’m going to be able to write a novel in a month. I have my little ones to look after, my publishing work, my voluntary work, and a bit of painting and drawing to do… (I’ve even got a little gallery page now – do have a look if you have a moment). But what I can do is finish my first novel. It’s been sitting around for almost 10 years now and all it needs is a good, hard edit. Then it will be free to fly away, find a home (most likely not) or come home to me again. But at least it would be finished, and I can proudly put a tick on my writing to-do list. 1. First novel (TICK!)
I’m going to aim to do a little every day (even if it’s only 30 minutes) and see how it goes…